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FG Xpress Powerstrips

With PowerStrips you get more energy, endurance and more concentration and mental fitness. FGXpress PowerStrips help in the detoxification and purification and ensure healthier cells and for the support of the cardiovascular system. Assist you in reducing stress levels and help for a healthier and better sleep. The PowerStrips serve to strengthen the immune system and an improvement in sexual function.

Benefits of PowerStrips ™
• PowerStrips are listed with the FDA as a Class 1 Medical Device and it is also classitied as an OTC (over the counter) product.
There is a CE approval for the European market.

• PowerStrips contain an adhesive layer with active ingredients and an outer layer with a proprietary herbal blend that also contributes to the temporary relief of minor pain.

• They can be worn for up to 48 hours and can be carried or mailed anywhere.

How does it work

How to use

Before and After infrared images


Live blood analysis

FG Xpress Powerstrips

Particularly suitable for pain-relief FGXpress PowerStrips, relieving pain and suffering with joint problems, chronic pain, joint pain, body aches, rheumatism, strains and arthritis. It comes to a purported to improve fat burning and helps in blood circulation disorders, headaches. PowerStrips can also be used to reduce spider veins and varicose veins. They are also suitable for fast Regenetation after exercise. The PowerStrips can be used on the face for wrinkle treatment and wrinkle reduction.

PowerStrips contain germanium – an element with optical properties conduct heat, much the same as a glass prism conducts white light. Germanium bends heat from the body and the environment back towards the area where the PowerStrip is applied. Germanium also breaks the heat into component parts just a prism separates white light into the colors of spectrum.

It's the "long wave" component of heat that's most benificial for pain relief. As long wave heat penetrates affected parts of the body (up to 10 centimeters as demonstrated by infrared photography), it causes blood vessels in the area to dilate, increasing blood flow and natural warmth. This dilation works in combination with other complementary biochemical and neurological processes that contribute pain relief while the PowerStrip is in place.


There are 5 main ingredients and technologies engineered in FG Xpress PowerStrips: Each topically applied PowerStrip has two layers. The outer layer contains elemental Germanium. The inner or adhesive layer contains a proprietary blend of: Fermented Korean Red Ginseng, (Alpha 3 CMP™) Marine Phytoplankton and a water soluble adhesive making daily use easy and comfortable because it is gentle to the skin.
Marine Phytoplankton
Korean Red Ginseng
Elemental germanium | far infrared technology

Product Reviews

every day more and more people around the world learn about the unique effect of power strips and publish their experiences on the Internet.

These testimonials are individual perception of a single person. The effect or the healing process may behave differently in each person and a cure or improvement of health can not be promised.
Back after accident
Swollen hand after surgery
shoulder joint
Spider veins
spider bite
Back, shoulder, Sleeping
One-sided load
Breast, nerve (German)

Difference between heat patches and FG Xpress PowerStrips

Commercial heating patches from the pharmacy

When talking about heating patches, so it is called sticking plaster that is applied directly to the skin to treat pain. Many heating pads use the active ingredient capsaicin, which is extracted from the dried fruit of cayenne pepper.

Furthermore, there are also iron powder-based heat patch. It does not come into direct skin contact with the active ingredients and a possible skin irritation. The iron powder reacts with the oxygen from the air and thus generates heat, which is delivered to the body. Here, however, care must be taken because the iron powder may under no circumstances come into contact with the skin. So, the patch can not be cut. In both versions, the pain relief is achieved by generating heat.

The generated heat promotes blood circulation, which leads to a better supply of tissue with oxygen and nutrients.

FG Xpress PowerStrips

The PowerStrips of FG Xpress are multifunction patch with a so-called hybrid technology. The PowerStrips combine a patented blend of ancient herbs, minerals and elements with a groundbreaking new technology. In the field of pain and discomfort the muscles and the tissue are used to build additional energy. Thus, health and healing are activated in the body. The PowerStrips be listed in the US by the FDA as a medical device class 1.

PowerStrips include the following main components:
  • Red Korean Ginseng
  • marine phytoplankton
  • elemental germanium
The elemental germanium does not come into contact with the skin, as it is located on the outer side. The other active substances are applied to the inside of the PowerStrips.
Heat patch

The pain relief in heat patches is achieved either by a drug such as capsaicin, which is derived from the cayenne pepper, or by iron powder that is heated by reaction with oxygen.

FG Xpress PowerStrips

In the PowerStrips the heat is generated by elemental germanium. This germanium is applied to the outer layer and is not in contact with the skin. Germanium has the ability to absorb the body's own heat to join this new and then reflect back into the body. Also, the heat in our environment is absorbed by the germanium and reflects up to 10 cm deep in our tissues. . PowerStrips are multifunction patch with new hybrid technology.

In both forms, the blood vessels are expanded by heat and it promotes blood circulation. The oxygen transport to the cells is stimulated.
Heat patch

The heat patches are attached to the painful area on the skin. The patches should not be cut, since otherwise the active ingredients are lost. The iron powder of iron powder-based heat patches would cause damage to the skin.

The effect lasts for 10-48 hours, depending on the type of the patch. However, it is necessary to wait at least 12 hours before the next patch can be applied, since the skin is irritated by the active substances.

FG Xpress PowerStrips

As the heating patches, the PowerStrips be glued directly to the pain area. However, it is possible to cut the PowerStrips into smaller parts. This provides better flexibility in the application and frequency.

The heat generation is naturally achieved via radiated body heat and the heat from the environment. The skin is not irritated by a drug. For this reason, the PowerStrips can be worn every day and it is not necessary, as in the heat patches, take a break between applications.

The duration of action of the PowerStrips is 48 hours. PowerStrips offer much more than just pain relief. PowerStrips are, in contrast to heat patches, so-called multifunction patch with numerous other positive qualities.

The red Korean ginseng has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine as a cure for many diseases. Among other things, the Korean red ginseng can lead to more energy and improve sleep.

The marine phytoplankton provides our body cells with all the vital ingredients. The body takes from the patch exactly what he just needs at the moment. Our body cells can regenerate and heal our body itself only by providing optimal care.
Heat patch

The active ingredients can irritate the skin and cause itching. During use, you should not additionally exposing other heat sources such as heating pads or compresses. This can lead to additional irritation of the skin and of health damage.

A heat patch should not be applied to open wounds or come into contact with mucous membranes. This could lead to severe inflammation.

FG Xpress PowerStrips

The generation of heat is achieved without any active substances. Thus, the risk of skin irritation is excluded. PowerStrips be made very skin-friendly and are designed for everyday use. There are no known side effects. In case of allergy to any ingredient, however, care should be offered.
Heat patch

The price of a heat patch from the pharmacy is, depending on the product, about 2-4 euros.

FG Xpress PowerStrips

PowerStrips are sold through the way of direct sales. That means you can buy directly from the company and not from a dealer or a pharmacy. The PowerStrips be shipped in over 190 countries. It gets you in a nice envelope by mail. The shipping cost is $ 4.95 worldwide.

15 PowerStrips cost $ 59.95. Inclusive of shipping costs are the costs of approximately EUR 3.50 each PowerStrip (depending on exchange rate).
Marine Phytoplankton
The inner layer of the FG Xpress PowerStrips also contains Marine Phytoplankton. FG Xpress is using a patented formula (Alpha 3 CMP), which is only distributed by FG Xpress.

One of those rare products that contains almost everything you need for life (and the rebuilding of cells) is marine phytoplankton.


Marine phytoplankton are one-cell plants that are too small to be seen individually without the aid of a microscope. Because they are microscopic, the body’s cells can absorb them immediately (bioavailability) and receive all of their valuable nutrients at the same time for maximum effectiveness.

The marine phytoplankton, also known as a “Superfood”, is according to NASA and plenty of scientific researches the most important plant and food in the world as it provides the earth with over 90% of it’s oxygen. Marine phytoplankton is not only an important source of oxygen it is a critical food source for ocean life and apparently, for us too.

There are very few (foods) that provide all, or even most, of the raw materials to make new cells and sustain the existing ones. A complete super food, these amazing plants contain more than 90 nutrients vital for a healthy body.

It contains all nine amino acids that the body cannot make. The essential fatty acids are also present (Omega-3 and Omega-6). Further it contains the most important vitamins and mineral nutrients. For example vitamin C, H, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, E, selenium, zinc, chromium, magnesium, calcium, nickel, iron and many more.

These valuable nutrients are essential for the production of healthy new cells. We all have, at one time or another, cellular or energy blockages, whether they be emotional or physical. And, among the functional ingredients identified from marine algae, natural pigments (NPs) have received particular attention.

Some benefits (but not all) of marine phytoplankton include:
  • Support Cardiovascular Health: The high level of antioxidants, amino acids, and high levels of omega-3 fatty acids are known to support a healthier cardiovascular system.

  • Promotes Healthy Skin: There are large amounts of bioflavonoids that can remove toxins from skin cells. Marine phytoplankton also contains riboflavin that reduces free radical attacks in skin cells.

  • Boost the Immune System: Alanine, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, and vitamin E are all immune system enhancers found in this superfood.

  • Increase Energy: Marine phytoplankton detoxifies the body, and eliminates toxins from the cells. This will improve your energy and mood levels.

  • Stabilizes Blood Sugar Levels: Marine phytoplankton is really good for stabilizing blood sugar levels. Chromium helps to prevent and moderate against diabetes. Glutamic acids help to reduce alcohol and sugar cravings. Phenylalanine is a known sugar craving reducer.

  • Helps with Joint Health: Manganese helps to assist in joint mobility. Omega-6 fatty acids can relieve symptoms of arthritis. Pathogenic acid can reduce morning pain caused by arthritis. It will help a lot with joint mobility, and reducing pain and stiffness.

  • Liver Support: The arginine is found in this superfood and is known to help detoxify the liver.

  • Improves Brain Function: The high amount of omega-3 fatty acids improve brain function. The nucleic acids can enhance the memory. Phenylalanine improves mental clarity. Proline increases learning ability. Magnesium helps reduce mood swings.